About Us


  • At BrontonByte Technologies, our vision is to be a driving force behind the digital transformation of businesses across industries.
  • We believe that every business deserves access to the tools and technologies they need to succeed in the digital age. 
  • We are dedicated to providing innovative, personalized service and support to help our clients achieve their goals and stay ahead of the competition.
  • Together, we can create a more connected, productive, and prosperous future for businesses around the world.


  • Empower businesses by leveraging cost-effective technology solutions.
  • Bridge the gap between traditional and digital processes for all businesses.
  • Seamless and efficient systems that drive growth and success.

Board of Founders

Mr. Aemus Quah Su Kai

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Be A Part of Brontonbyte Technologies

We are a growing Southeast Asian tech company looking for talented and innovative individual to join our team.

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